Python Experiments (version 0.1)

(Creation: Feb. 28, 2012, 12:31 p.m. , last release: Sept. 10, 2012, 12:31 p.m. )

Experimental, pointless or poetic codes

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Ninja Training

Program to track and improve reaction time for various exercises, from minimal eye/finger process to whole sentence writing.

Current implementation

Currently as local command line program with Python

ninjatraining$ python src/
Username? foo
== Exercise typing_text_repeat_const (5 repeats) ==
    Hit  key when ready or  for help...
Repeat the words from existing work (current source is 'Lamarckiens_et_Darwiniens.txt'), same line asked at each call of current session

- Text to repeat ('r' to get new line):

Then after exercise the evolution plot is displayed

And possibility of advanced statistical analysis with R:

                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)          3.686e+01  1.314e+01   2.804  0.00563 **
exercise_position   -3.818e-03  3.899e-03  -0.979  0.32893
repetition_position  1.467e-03  1.314e-03   1.116  0.26590
timestamp           -2.120e-08  7.631e-09  -2.778  0.00609 **
input_param1        -1.260e-01  1.406e-02  -8.966 5.81e-16 ***

Coming next

To be generalized and replicated as web app with JS.

Direct link

Last news

New experimental tool: Ninja Training (Aug. 10, 2024, 8:13 p.m. by Lem):

To improve and follow reaction time on various exercises. See here

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