If online multiplayer gaming is a jungle, competitive games with ranking systems are their swamps: misty, moist with a slightly supernatural aura.
Here we focus on simulation about ranking systems, for real stories you can find the BBQSQ text section (fr) (Chronicles of League Of Legends ranked games)
Ranking simulator for League of Legends.
Considers that the outcome of each game is just a random value compared to a given win rate. The program handles the concepts of BO (3 and 5), granted win if BO already lost and non-immediate demote if lose at 0 LP.
The script assumes that the win rate of the player given as argument is constant , and so do the league points of win and lose (win LP may be different from lose LP). Does not take into account the other players in the game.
Runs a defined number of replicates to give estimations about the required time to reach the wanted rank from a given rank.
The output figure is composed of three graphics: bottom is the trace of rank score (vertical axis, transcription of the league position into a single value) for each replication. Horizontal axis is the number of games that have been played for the given point.
The figure above it is the number of replicates for which the wanted rank has been reached at time t.
The figure above is the cumulative value: for example in the given figure, 50% of replications give between 75 and 110 games to reach Gold IV from Bronze IV (considering a winrate of 0.7).
(If you are interested in an online version of this script, contact the webmaster and he may integrate the simulator to this page.)
PS (2019) : Depuis cette saison les paliers ont été réorganisés sur le jeu, l'outil est donc un peu plus complexe à interpréter.