DATAVIZ (version 0.1)

(Creation: May 16, 2021, 9:04 p.m. )

Visualization of knowledge is key of understanding.

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Betc | Betctimelinejs |

Between-Timeline Coordinator

Tool to display concurrent timelines for parallel storytelling (for example several streamers playing on a GTA RP server with their own POV). Can be embedded directly in a HTML page

Tech: Javascript (+ Python, not mandatory)


Lorem Ipsum

Information input

Last news

Visualisation de Timelines de créateurs (Nov. 10, 2021, 10:30 p.m. by Lem):

Pour explorer les créations d'un ou plusieurs vidéastes sur les sites de streamings ou vidéos.

Fils spirituel de BeTC, utilisant les API Youtube, Twitch et …

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