About program SSD. Oct. 25, 2017, noon, by Lem
The first months have been rich in development, a lot has been accomplished and a fundamental system has been created to fit the needs of the Wanderer.
But after all this time spent building his little ship, the builder felt simultaneously overwhelmed with the remaining load of work to have a smooth ship, and the boredom of looking always in the same pipes, circuits.
To add to this temporary loss of motivation, a strong storm occurred, not a bad thing actually but quite time-consuming. And this is how several months flied one after the other, letting the partially-build ship taking the sand dust, mostly unused.
But the Wanderer came back, stronger, knowing what was his next huge task: you can’t navigate properly with a ship, even efficient, if you only access local information. He needed to build what he called the Sonic Archive Foundation. A place where data about the universe are stored persistently, and that can contain elements that have not directly been detected by the ship. And this SAF may become a big common experience if, one day, someone, another wanderer, comes as a Music Explorer to fill this massive and never-ending Universal Codex.
The complexity of his tasks was terrifying for the young soon-to-be explorer, but he had seen worse. He closed the garage of his ship and sat down to his architect table, a big blank sheet ready to be filled.