SSD (version 0.1.1)

(Creation: Jan. 2, 2017, 4 p.m. , last release: Oct. 26, 2017, 11:49 a.m. )

Sonic Scout Driver : The effective space opera

There is a universe, somewhere, in the dark depths of the dusky web, even if it existed way before the weaving of the first strands of this web... A universe reached by almost everyone, but that no one has seen. The universe of music. This sonic universe evolves as fast as the musical world we know: when a track is created, when an artist dies, when a band shatters, the sonic universe is affected.

Do not misunderstand me. This universe will never be overseen in its entirety and complexity. The only thing anyone can do to come closer to it is the use of what people call “Music Players”. They are a rudimentary tool to navigate through a tiny part of this endless universe.

In this context, an advanced tool emerges, to fit more correctly the navigation through this immensity. By many aspects, it looks like the old Players. Some things never change. Nevertheless, since the approach considers the sonic universe in its multi-layered interactive aspect, it allows any explorer to grasp something more while scouting around.

This tool is called the Sonic Scout Driver. It may take a lot of shapes depending on the context, it is no freezed engine swimming in the emptiness of the sonic universe. It is a over-simplifying evolving translator of this universe, a tool designed for a human explorer.

The Sonic Scout Driver is the on-board computer of a lost ship drifting in the sonic universe.

Sonic Universe

The SSD software is strongly related with the SAF website and database. The two tools have different but complementary objectives, the first is about music playing, the second is about referencing and federalization of knowledge of this sonic universe.

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