IRL Fog of War. Geographic / data vizualisation experiment.
Generates a dynamic map showing the current state of your fog of war in real life, more explicitely area you explored.
Gps data about hiking / driving.
Code is available here
Requires Python 3, Jupyter, GeoPandas, Folium, Shapely
You need to:
1) Generate a GeoJSON with dots and lines (manually or by a gps app export) , for example via uMap
2) Set this json file as import in the file
3) Run the notebook
4) Open the local macarte.html file with a browser (internet access required to load maps from OpenStreetMaps) and be amazed by your journey.
First draft, a lot of things to improve but functional.
Almost functional altitude fetching system (March 27, 2021, 10:01 a.m. by Lem):
After a few months, the IRL Fog of War comes back with some satisfying improvements. StatusFor memory, the Fog currently relies mostly on altitude … |
Gestion partielle de l'altitude (Dec. 31, 2019, 4 p.m. by Lem):
Petite mise à jour concernant des points basiques : - Passage de carrés à polygones réguliers - Correction des formes pour tenir compte de la … |
Une mappemonde à gratter digitalement numérique (Dec. 23, 2019, 5:47 p.m. by Lem):
GénèseVoici la première version fonctionnelle de World Walk Web, un projet qui me trotte dans la tête depuis longtemps : je voulais un outil … |